This was super easy to assemble, myself (39 Year old woman) and my 10 year old son put it together within 25 minutes max. The cabinets are a tad smaller than I imagined but this looks great in my kitchen. The box came in perfect condition, but there is a small blemish on the the front corner. I will try to find a little wood filler or touch up paint to correct. Overall, satisfied.
Decent Sideboard
This was super easy to assemble, myself (39 Year old woman) and my 10 year old son put it together within 25 minutes max. The cabinets are a tad smaller than I imagined but this looks great in my kitchen. The box came in perfect condition, but there is a small blemish on the the front corner. I will try to find a little wood filler or touch up paint to correct. Overall, satisfied.