The table arrived well packaged and with no damage. It is very easy to assemble. The top comes pre/assmbled and all you need to do is screw the legs into the top, put the bottom shelf over the legs and screw the feet up into the legs through the bottom shelf. The feet are adjustable, so you can compensate for uneven floors. Its very cute. I bought it to hold my husbands record player and some of his vinyl and its the perfect size.
Nice table at a good price
The table arrived well packaged and with no damage. It is very easy to assemble. The top comes pre/assmbled and all you need to do is screw the legs into the top, put the bottom shelf over the legs and screw the feet up into the legs through the bottom shelf. The feet are adjustable, so you can compensate for uneven floors. Its very cute. I bought it to hold my husbands record player and some of his vinyl and its the perfect size.