The product arrived quickly, but it was difficult to assemble. Some items were not marked and some of the pieces had the screw holes in the wrong place. Almost had it assembled completely, realized a couple of pieces were in the wrong place and had to disassemble and basically start over. The doors were difficult to place due to the screw holes being in the wrong place. Now that it is assembled correctly, it looks really nice in my kitchen and will last us a long time.
Looks great, difficult assembly.
The product arrived quickly, but it was difficult to assemble. Some items were not marked and some of the pieces had the screw holes in the wrong place. Almost had it assembled completely, realized a couple of pieces were in the wrong place and had to disassemble and basically start over. The doors were difficult to place due to the screw holes being in the wrong place. Now that it is assembled correctly, it looks really nice in my kitchen and will last us a long time.