This couch is better than expected given the price (300). Shipping was faster than stated, neatly and carefully packaged. It took me less than an hour to put together by myself. All parts were in great shape and everything lined up. The two single seat cushions arent very comfortable but the chaise cushion is great. I was hoping the color was a /blue as others described and it was. I think it could look more like charcoal depending on the lighting. I do wish the two back panels lined up better and had Velcro to keep them closed. All in all this was well worth the price.
Bang for your buck
This couch is better than expected given the price (300). Shipping was faster than stated, neatly and carefully packaged. It took me less than an hour to put together by myself. All parts were in great shape and everything lined up. The two single seat cushions arent very comfortable but the chaise cushion is great. I was hoping the color was a /blue as others described and it was. I think it could look more like charcoal depending on the lighting. I do wish the two back panels lined up better and had Velcro to keep them closed. All in all this was well worth the price.