This got delivered sooner than expected, had easy to follow directions, is made out of really sturdy materials, And was easy to assemble. My husband and I have assembled cribs, book shelves, changing tables, bunk beds, and play kitchens together and each time weve gotten into pretty good arguments. Putting together furniture tests a marriage. But not this bed; it was so easy. It took about an hour, it was enjoyable, and we made dinner together afterwards/ like a pleasant date night for parents. Highly recommend
This got delivered sooner than expected, had easy to follow directions, is made out of really sturdy materials, And was easy to assemble. My husband and I have assembled cribs, book shelves, changing tables, bunk beds, and play kitchens together and each time weve gotten into pretty good arguments. Putting together furniture tests a marriage. But not this bed; it was so easy. It took about an hour, it was enjoyable, and we made dinner together afterwards/ like a pleasant date night for parents. Highly recommend