It was a piece of cake to assemble but very sturdy. We bought the set for our kids and it took about 1.5 hours to get both bed and trundle together. The instructions and numbering made it very easy to follow compared to other furniture weve had. The only thing that was tricky was the sticky vs non sticky placement in the diagram. We got 6in mattresses through a different company for them and they fit well. On the day bed you could go higher, but you definitely cannot on the trundle. All in all very pleased.
Good value and easy assembly.
It was a piece of cake to assemble but very sturdy. We bought the set for our kids and it took about 1.5 hours to get both bed and trundle together. The instructions and numbering made it very easy to follow compared to other furniture weve had. The only thing that was tricky was the sticky vs non sticky placement in the diagram. We got 6in mattresses through a different company for them and they fit well. On the day bed you could go higher, but you definitely cannot on the trundle. All in all very pleased.