The desk is good enough. Certainly sturdy. The instructions are not good. I wound up having to take the unit, or pieces of it, apart and reassemble. A couple of the screw holes were machined incorrectly, but I got all but two screws in, and that was good enough. Its solid and stable. Remain calm and youll be able to figure it out eventually. In the meantime, someone should arrest whoever did the instructions.
Not fun to put together, but itll do
The desk is good enough. Certainly sturdy. The instructions are not good. I wound up having to take the unit, or pieces of it, apart and reassemble. A couple of the screw holes were machined incorrectly, but I got all but two screws in, and that was good enough. Its solid and stable. Remain calm and youll be able to figure it out eventually. In the meantime, someone should arrest whoever did the instructions.