I had higher hopes for this but first thing to mention is that it sits WAY to low, should be at least 2 taller. The cheap rack that it rolls on wont last long and just sitting in the chair and swiveling you can feel the grumbly feeling of it. The reclining of the chair is nowhere smooth, leaning back is not to bad but when you attempt to sit up and it finally moves (without the tensioners even being used) it will scare you when is suddenly moves and makes a loud noise. This should be like a $150 chair.
Average chair but pretty pricey for what it is
I had higher hopes for this but first thing to mention is that it sits WAY to low, should be at least 2 taller. The cheap rack that it rolls on wont last long and just sitting in the chair and swiveling you can feel the grumbly feeling of it. The reclining of the chair is nowhere smooth, leaning back is not to bad but when you attempt to sit up and it finally moves (without the tensioners even being used) it will scare you when is suddenly moves and makes a loud noise. This should be like a $150 chair.