Wonderful, sturdy, compact bunk bed in a beautiful (gray) color
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions aren’t super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and it’s not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids don’t fall out.
Wonderful, sturdy, compact bunk bed in a beautiful (gray) color
Great value and very sturdy. Also the color is amazing and it looks beautiful. It was pretty challenging to put together and I had to undo mistakes three times, as the instructions aren’t super easy to understand. However I am very happy with the final product and the size is perfect, nice and low so it fits well in a low-ceiling room. The lower bunk being on the floor is perfect, as my son can roll out and it’s not a concern he will hurt himself. And the top bunk openings are very easy to block with a pillow or stuffed animal so kids don’t fall out.