We love this bunk bed set. It’s stable with no swayig or shaking. Easy to assemble with my husband and myself. Perfect size for smaller children but still gives the space of a full size bed. My husband was skeptical about bunks but once we got them together and made up he was won over by these.
The only problem we had was the middle rung of the ladder broke at the dowel on both sides when my 5 year old was climbing up. She wasn’t jumping or being rough and it snapped. She also only weighs 45lbs. My husband is a custom cabinet builder so he made a new rung to match and reinstalled it with L brackets. So far no other issues or problems.
I would still recommend these beds ?
Perfect stable bunks for smaller kids ??
We love this bunk bed set. It’s stable with no swayig or shaking. Easy to assemble with my husband and myself. Perfect size for smaller children but still gives the space of a full size bed. My husband was skeptical about bunks but once we got them together and made up he was won over by these. The only problem we had was the middle rung of the ladder broke at the dowel on both sides when my 5 year old was climbing up. She wasn’t jumping or being rough and it snapped. She also only weighs 45lbs. My husband is a custom cabinet builder so he made a new rung to match and reinstalled it with L brackets. So far no other issues or problems. I would still recommend these beds ?