this bed recommends children 6 or older only on top bunk...It arrived quickly...and the assembly took some patience but the finished product is very nice...sturdy...and not too high....bottom bunk is a great place for younger children . This bed had a label saying it was made in Vietnam... every piece was there...and every piece of hardware ...It is a soft pine wood....but very sturdy and I am delighted with finished product. I bought 6 inch mattresses and they fit perfectly.
for young children
this bed recommends children 6 or older only on top bunk...It arrived quickly...and the assembly took some patience but the finished product is very nice...sturdy...and not too high....bottom bunk is a great place for younger children . This bed had a label saying it was made in Vietnam... every piece was there...and every piece of hardware ...It is a soft pine wood....but very sturdy and I am delighted with finished product. I bought 6 inch mattresses and they fit perfectly.