It only took me and my neighbor with her baby strapped to her back 3 hours to put this together. Worth it! My toddler daughter loves her big girl bed, and we keep the trundle pulled out halfway every night so that we dont need to worry about her rolling off. Sturdy, well made and reasonable to put together. It did, howver, arrive in about 9 HUGE boxes, so be prepared to spend your saturday unpacking, building, then cleaning up.
Great choice!
It only took me and my neighbor with her baby strapped to her back 3 hours to put this together. Worth it! My toddler daughter loves her big girl bed, and we keep the trundle pulled out halfway every night so that we dont need to worry about her rolling off. Sturdy, well made and reasonable to put together. It did, howver, arrive in about 9 HUGE boxes, so be prepared to spend your saturday unpacking, building, then cleaning up.