I purchased this bed for my guest room. It is sturdy, easy to assemble, and stylish. The value for the price is simply unmatched. I intend to purchase another one for my primary bedroom. Th details are what matter and this brand, included a little letter of appreciation for the purchase. Id much rather give my money to a brand that truly appreciates it. Not just from the letter but, watch any s Videos on YouTube and you can tell that these people are genuine. Please dont let the price fool you, it might be affordable but, its anything but, cheap!
Exceeded Expectations!
I purchased this bed for my guest room. It is sturdy, easy to assemble, and stylish. The value for the price is simply unmatched. I intend to purchase another one for my primary bedroom. Th details are what matter and this brand, included a little letter of appreciation for the purchase. Id much rather give my money to a brand that truly appreciates it. Not just from the letter but, watch any s Videos on YouTube and you can tell that these people are genuine. Please dont let the price fool you, it might be affordable but, its anything but, cheap!