This was such a good buy! I needed a couch for my den that wasnt oversized. This fits perfectly. I wont say it is small because It can seat 3 people comfortably. The best part was the assembly. I was worried about it being difficult. It literally took more time to take the pieces out of the box than to put together. No screws or drilling. The pieces slide into each other. I am more than pleased with what I got for the price!
Best purchase I have made in a long time!!!!
This was such a good buy! I needed a couch for my den that wasnt oversized. This fits perfectly. I wont say it is small because It can seat 3 people comfortably. The best part was the assembly. I was worried about it being difficult. It literally took more time to take the pieces out of the box than to put together. No screws or drilling. The pieces slide into each other. I am more than pleased with what I got for the price!