We bought this bed for my toddler. We chose it because it was a greatly priced bed that had a headboard and footboard. The assembly was easy, but long and tedious. It took longer than we expected. Weve only had the bed one week but so far we love it. Ive moved it all over the room to see where it looks best and it is so light and easy to love yet durable and sturdy. We bought a full for our 2 year old and he is loving his big boy bed.
Nice lightweight bed
We bought this bed for my toddler. We chose it because it was a greatly priced bed that had a headboard and footboard. The assembly was easy, but long and tedious. It took longer than we expected. Weve only had the bed one week but so far we love it. Ive moved it all over the room to see where it looks best and it is so light and easy to love yet durable and sturdy. We bought a full for our 2 year old and he is loving his big boy bed.