Sturdy and easy assemble, took about an hour by myself. There is also thin foam on the center post so its a tight fit when you place the center polls across for the base and no wiggle room or metal rubbing together. Cant see it in the photos, so thats a nice piece for sure. Great fit for our mattress as well, last frame I had, the mattress would move side to side. Im always nervous with how cheap a frame can be but you wont be disappointed with this one. California King.
Great Sturdy Frame
Sturdy and easy assemble, took about an hour by myself. There is also thin foam on the center post so its a tight fit when you place the center polls across for the base and no wiggle room or metal rubbing together. Cant see it in the photos, so thats a nice piece for sure. Great fit for our mattress as well, last frame I had, the mattress would move side to side. Im always nervous with how cheap a frame can be but you wont be disappointed with this one. California King.