I bought this because the look, price and reviews. It is worth it. It is not as strong as the one you can get on a furniture store, but it is similar and beautiful.
I have a toddler at home, so it already passed the test on the doors and the chimney safety.
It is not simple to assemble. You need patience and read the directions carefully. Even though I did it by my self, the result was astonishing.
Definitely, an excellent product for the price.
You need patience for assembly
I bought this because the look, price and reviews. It is worth it. It is not as strong as the one you can get on a furniture store, but it is similar and beautiful. I have a toddler at home, so it already passed the test on the doors and the chimney safety. It is not simple to assemble. You need patience and read the directions carefully. Even though I did it by my self, the result was astonishing. Definitely, an excellent product for the price.