This furniture is strong and can hold my 60 TV just fine with no worries about weight. The TV size 60 is about the right size for this furniture. The look is stylist. The assemble time is tricky when I use the screws that come from the box. The quality is pretty bad and cannot hold the bottom well. Luckily, I brought my own high quality of wood screws. It can hold better than the original one. The comment could help you more or less to prepare before assembling the pieces together.
Just a few note
This furniture is strong and can hold my 60 TV just fine with no worries about weight. The TV size 60 is about the right size for this furniture. The look is stylist. The assemble time is tricky when I use the screws that come from the box. The quality is pretty bad and cannot hold the bottom well. Luckily, I brought my own high quality of wood screws. It can hold better than the original one. The comment could help you more or less to prepare before assembling the pieces together.