Pretty easy to assemble. However, one of the screws needed to attach the magnetic catches was replaced with an incorrect type of screw that would not bite into the wood. I replaced it with one from Lowes. Other than that, it went together pretty easy, and the instructions were pretty good in showing how to put it together. We are happy with it, considering both the size and the price point. Very few TV stands are big enough for an 82: set. Our TV hangs over the sides by about less than an inch on each side.
Holding up my 82 TV! Was Missing One Screw
Pretty easy to assemble. However, one of the screws needed to attach the magnetic catches was replaced with an incorrect type of screw that would not bite into the wood. I replaced it with one from Lowes. Other than that, it went together pretty easy, and the instructions were pretty good in showing how to put it together. We are happy with it, considering both the size and the price point. Very few TV stands are big enough for an 82: set. Our TV hangs over the sides by about less than an inch on each side.