This is a sturdy frame that was fairly easy to assemble. I got a large king size frame, and I (a 68 yo woman) was able to put it together by myself in an hour and a half. There were some parts mislabeled, but easy to figure out by matching them with the drawings. Put the piece in the top of the and together first, or it will be difficult to make it fit. A couple of holes werent lined up perfectly, but a whack with a hammer took care of that problem!
Fairly Easy to Assemble
This is a sturdy frame that was fairly easy to assemble. I got a large king size frame, and I (a 68 yo woman) was able to put it together by myself in an hour and a half. There were some parts mislabeled, but easy to figure out by matching them with the drawings. Put the piece in the top of the and together first, or it will be difficult to make it fit. A couple of holes werent lined up perfectly, but a whack with a hammer took care of that problem!