We ordered this bench for our mudroom based on size and color. It was fairly easy to assemble. the only complaint I had was that the hinges that connect the seat to the bench dont quite line up so one of the sides is a bit askew and therefore when I close them, they rub against one another. I tried to back off the screws and re-align them, but it didnt help. As my boyfriend pointed out, we dont open and shut it often, and over time it will wear and theyll shut fine. I think its still a really niceee piece and were happy with it.
Looks better in person! Great size
We ordered this bench for our mudroom based on size and color. It was fairly easy to assemble. the only complaint I had was that the hinges that connect the seat to the bench dont quite line up so one of the sides is a bit askew and therefore when I close them, they rub against one another. I tried to back off the screws and re-align them, but it didnt help. As my boyfriend pointed out, we dont open and shut it often, and over time it will wear and theyll shut fine. I think its still a really niceee piece and were happy with it.