These chairs are great! They are sturdy and well made and comfortable to sit in for long periods of time. They were also packaged very well. The box had some damage from the delivery carrier but the chairs were perfectly fine. They are wrapped and completely encased in thick foam. The only thing that might be a problem for some is that they are thick when folded. They all fit in the small closet that Im storing them in and I saved the bags they came in to keep them from getting scratched.
Very attractive!
These chairs are great! They are sturdy and well made and comfortable to sit in for long periods of time. They were also packaged very well. The box had some damage from the delivery carrier but the chairs were perfectly fine. They are wrapped and completely encased in thick foam. The only thing that might be a problem for some is that they are thick when folded. They all fit in the small closet that Im storing them in and I saved the bags they came in to keep them from getting scratched.