The table was easy to assemble. The first thing we noticed was that the drawer had a piece that had broken off and was glued back on. The knob for the drawer will not tighten up. It is loose. There is no way to fix that. I am not happy with this product. Sending someone a product that was previously had a chunk broken from the drawer and glued back on is unacceptable. The table is nice other than these issues. I would not recommend it to anyone else though.
I think I received a refurbished product
The table was easy to assemble. The first thing we noticed was that the drawer had a piece that had broken off and was glued back on. The knob for the drawer will not tighten up. It is loose. There is no way to fix that. I am not happy with this product. Sending someone a product that was previously had a chunk broken from the drawer and glued back on is unacceptable. The table is nice other than these issues. I would not recommend it to anyone else though.