All of the parts were saran wrapped together, which I found annoying at first, but then I realized they did that to keep pieces from the same steps together. The screws were all in nice labeled bags and it was honestly a very easy assembly. Usually Im throwing stuff across the room, swearing, and sweating when I have to assemble stuff, but this was a breeze.
Bed feels sturdy, although the headboard piece seems to have a slight wobble - Ill see if that becomes an issue in the future.
Very easy to assemble
All of the parts were saran wrapped together, which I found annoying at first, but then I realized they did that to keep pieces from the same steps together. The screws were all in nice labeled bags and it was honestly a very easy assembly. Usually Im throwing stuff across the room, swearing, and sweating when I have to assemble stuff, but this was a breeze. Bed feels sturdy, although the headboard piece seems to have a slight wobble - Ill see if that becomes an issue in the future.