The frame was fairly easy to assemble with simple to read instructions. the frame is sturdy and doesnt shift around or make noise as i move around on my bed. the package was slightly damaged, but i imagine that was an accident during shipping as there seemed to be no real damage to the frames parts. a couple of the metal slats were slightly bowed but it did not cause any problems in assemble and although a few of the plastic grippers for the slats were bent up everything still came together. my new mattress fits on it pretty well, i didnt even need a bed board or a box spring.
good bed frame for a good price
The frame was fairly easy to assemble with simple to read instructions. the frame is sturdy and doesnt shift around or make noise as i move around on my bed. the package was slightly damaged, but i imagine that was an accident during shipping as there seemed to be no real damage to the frames parts. a couple of the metal slats were slightly bowed but it did not cause any problems in assemble and although a few of the plastic grippers for the slats were bent up everything still came together. my new mattress fits on it pretty well, i didnt even need a bed board or a box spring.