The box came with a lot of little pieces that were not in bags. Thankfully everything was there. There is concern that I got a roll of tape in the packaging. Setup took an hour and wasnt bad. Instructions were on one page and just a diagram but Im visual so it was easy. I used a rubber mallet to make sure connections were tight. The cover was a tight fit and actually broke when trying to pull it down to tie the corners off. The plastic is still just at the ground so not able to place a weighted sandbag on it to lock the heat in.
Cover split during setup
The box came with a lot of little pieces that were not in bags. Thankfully everything was there. There is concern that I got a roll of tape in the packaging. Setup took an hour and wasnt bad. Instructions were on one page and just a diagram but Im visual so it was easy. I used a rubber mallet to make sure connections were tight. The cover was a tight fit and actually broke when trying to pull it down to tie the corners off. The plastic is still just at the ground so not able to place a weighted sandbag on it to lock the heat in.