I was really impressed with this shoe rack. I initially thought that it would not be very sturdy but it is quite sturdy. It was relatively easy to assemble, the instructions are not very specific but it is not hard to figure out. With 2 people it takes about 10 minutes. Once it was assembled, it can hold about 9 pairs of adult size shoes.
It looks great in our entryway and I absolutely love it! I definitely recommend this for organization and making your house more organized.
Sturdy and Looks Nice
I was really impressed with this shoe rack. I initially thought that it would not be very sturdy but it is quite sturdy. It was relatively easy to assemble, the instructions are not very specific but it is not hard to figure out. With 2 people it takes about 10 minutes. Once it was assembled, it can hold about 9 pairs of adult size shoes. It looks great in our entryway and I absolutely love it! I definitely recommend this for organization and making your house more organized.