ASSEMBLY: Vague instructions made assembly take longer than it needed to. Obviously, its a simple item to assemble for clear instructions would have speeded up the process. Have a power tool on hand to tighten the screws, they do not go in easy.
APPEARANCE: Once assembled, it looks nice, exactly as pictured in the product description. There is room for 3 pairs of shoes on each shelf.
QUALITY: Lets be real, this is budget, assemble-it-yourself furniture. For that class of furniture, its pretty good. The manufacturer claims it will hold up to 300 lbs. I wouldnt put 300lbs on this, but its sturdy enough to hold shoes which is what its designed for.
Pretty Shoe Rack
ASSEMBLY: Vague instructions made assembly take longer than it needed to. Obviously, its a simple item to assemble for clear instructions would have speeded up the process. Have a power tool on hand to tighten the screws, they do not go in easy. APPEARANCE: Once assembled, it looks nice, exactly as pictured in the product description. There is room for 3 pairs of shoes on each shelf. QUALITY: Lets be real, this is budget, assemble-it-yourself furniture. For that class of furniture, its pretty good. The manufacturer claims it will hold up to 300 lbs. I wouldnt put 300lbs on this, but its sturdy enough to hold shoes which is what its designed for.