This was easy to assemble and is very cute/stylish/classy looking. My daughter needed a new chair for her desk in her bedroom, but needed something comfortable enough to sit for long periods but smaller than a traditional office chair. She complains about every chair ever. Seriously. I didn't think her butt could be appeased.
She is very peculiar about her decor and everything really (she's THAT age) and this went with her color scheme perfectly, is very soft to the touch and she says is super comfy. It has a small profile, so it works with her desk and limited space.
I assembled it myself in a matter of minutes. Easy peasy!
Daughter loves this!
This was easy to assemble and is very cute/stylish/classy looking. My daughter needed a new chair for her desk in her bedroom, but needed something comfortable enough to sit for long periods but smaller than a traditional office chair. She complains about every chair ever. Seriously. I didn't think her butt could be appeased. She is very peculiar about her decor and everything really (she's THAT age) and this went with her color scheme perfectly, is very soft to the touch and she says is super comfy. It has a small profile, so it works with her desk and limited space. I assembled it myself in a matter of minutes. Easy peasy!