I was surprised at how easy it was to assemble this shelf. I think it is the exact perfect size for my room. It is not too long or too deep but it will hold 50 pounds which makes it very durable. I really only plan on putting a sound bar in it for now and maybe a flameless candle. I love the styling and I love that it is a floating shelf. It makes it so much easier to clean the floor underneath and also gives the illusion of space in an otherwise small room. I think youll love this little shelf. I plan on putting a TV above it mounted on the wall. But, it really does have many other uses other than just for electronics. I felt it was a very good economic value as well.
Durable shelf easy to assemble
I was surprised at how easy it was to assemble this shelf. I think it is the exact perfect size for my room. It is not too long or too deep but it will hold 50 pounds which makes it very durable. I really only plan on putting a sound bar in it for now and maybe a flameless candle. I love the styling and I love that it is a floating shelf. It makes it so much easier to clean the floor underneath and also gives the illusion of space in an otherwise small room. I think youll love this little shelf. I plan on putting a TV above it mounted on the wall. But, it really does have many other uses other than just for electronics. I felt it was a very good economic value as well.