We moved our daughter from a toddler bedroom set to a full bedroom set and went with this one. I read reviews that said it was sturdy and I of course loved the design. I put it together while my husband was at work, it was extremely easy to assemble. He drilled on the slats when he got home. Again, easy. The bedroom set is VERY sturdy and heavier than I expected, which is a plus. I’m very pleased with the bedroom set and the quality, you can’t beat it for the price! Our daughter just loves it to. Also, I read a review that said the mattress didn’t fit the frame, but our mattress (full) fit the frame perfectly. And it came a day earlier! Overall, I highly recommend this beautiful bedroom set any day!
Beautiful bedroom set!
We moved our daughter from a toddler bedroom set to a full bedroom set and went with this one. I read reviews that said it was sturdy and I of course loved the design. I put it together while my husband was at work, it was extremely easy to assemble. He drilled on the slats when he got home. Again, easy. The bedroom set is VERY sturdy and heavier than I expected, which is a plus. I’m very pleased with the bedroom set and the quality, you can’t beat it for the price! Our daughter just loves it to. Also, I read a review that said the mattress didn’t fit the frame, but our mattress (full) fit the frame perfectly. And it came a day earlier! Overall, I highly recommend this beautiful bedroom set any day!