These chairs look nice! Took about an hour to assemble all 4. I WILL SAY that you should tighten all the hardware a fair amount on the legs before attaching the seat. They all felt flimsy at first until I did so. There were a couple damaged screws but because I had spares this was not a deal breaker. They do not feel EXTREMELY strong and wouldnt recommend sitting in them for long periods but they are pretty decent chairs. The design for the price was perfect.
Design for the price and easy to assemble
These chairs look nice! Took about an hour to assemble all 4. I WILL SAY that you should tighten all the hardware a fair amount on the legs before attaching the seat. They all felt flimsy at first until I did so. There were a couple damaged screws but because I had spares this was not a deal breaker. They do not feel EXTREMELY strong and wouldnt recommend sitting in them for long periods but they are pretty decent chairs. The design for the price was perfect.