This bed is perfect for our use and provides some much needed storage space as described. The assembly was almost perfectwe had some confusion right at the end with one part. It worked well to have one of us read the step by step pictures and provide support with placement or holding things, and have the other person do the actual assembly. The bed is sturdy, and the color we bought is perfect for our decor. We especially like the ease of raising and lowering of the mattress to access the storage. The only negative issue we had was with the initial delivery when only part 1 of 2 was delivered; however, working with the issue was corrected to our satisfaction.
Fabulous Look!
This bed is perfect for our use and provides some much needed storage space as described. The assembly was almost perfectwe had some confusion right at the end with one part. It worked well to have one of us read the step by step pictures and provide support with placement or holding things, and have the other person do the actual assembly. The bed is sturdy, and the color we bought is perfect for our decor. We especially like the ease of raising and lowering of the mattress to access the storage. The only negative issue we had was with the initial delivery when only part 1 of 2 was delivered; however, working with the issue was corrected to our satisfaction.