I was nervous about purchasing this bed because of all the assembly comments. Im a not/so/strong 30 year old women that lives by herself. I assembled this bed within a hour and half with a glass of wine, and a few of my own tools. Honestly the most frustrating part was dealing with all the left over packaging. Overall this is a very sturdy and nice looking bed, especially for the price. Just read the instructions and youll be fine.
Nice bed, and assembly isnt so bad.
I was nervous about purchasing this bed because of all the assembly comments. Im a not/so/strong 30 year old women that lives by herself. I assembled this bed within a hour and half with a glass of wine, and a few of my own tools. Honestly the most frustrating part was dealing with all the left over packaging. Overall this is a very sturdy and nice looking bed, especially for the price. Just read the instructions and youll be fine.