Easy to assemble if you follow the instructions, I followed the instructions but failed to remove the plastic cap from the hydraulic piece and had to disassemble to entire stool in order to fix it. The second stool was assembled much easier and faster.
Beautiful and sturdy. Swivel very well and can adjust height with no issues. The item looks exactly as pictured. The chairs are as comfortable as a wood stool can be. The wood color was exactly as pictured on their site. Very rustic.
Great price for a set of two.
Good value
Easy to assemble if you follow the instructions, I followed the instructions but failed to remove the plastic cap from the hydraulic piece and had to disassemble to entire stool in order to fix it. The second stool was assembled much easier and faster. Beautiful and sturdy. Swivel very well and can adjust height with no issues. The item looks exactly as pictured. The chairs are as comfortable as a wood stool can be. The wood color was exactly as pictured on their site. Very rustic. Great price for a set of two.