Got this bed for my 10 year old and he loves it. Pretty easy to assemble. Its a little wobbly, but definitely no concern of it falling over or posing a danger in any way. If you bump it a few of the bars just slide into cut/out slots in the legs so they rattle if you shake those bars. I squeezed a rubber band in the gap to stop it from rattling. The ladder steps are only 1/2 wide so for adults, its not very comfortable to stand on. My son and his friends dont think its a big deal.
great bed, good quality, my kid loves it
Got this bed for my 10 year old and he loves it. Pretty easy to assemble. Its a little wobbly, but definitely no concern of it falling over or posing a danger in any way. If you bump it a few of the bars just slide into cut/out slots in the legs so they rattle if you shake those bars. I squeezed a rubber band in the gap to stop it from rattling. The ladder steps are only 1/2 wide so for adults, its not very comfortable to stand on. My son and his friends dont think its a big deal.