These chairs were very easy to put together. Solidly made for being somewhat lighter in weight than I expected. Comfortable for working from home. I spend maybe 60 minutes straight in the chair before getting up to move around, and never feel uncomfortable. I have found I need to tighten up the bolts every now and then.. but that's a very minor inconvenience.
I like them, and don't regret paying the amount I did. Worth the purchase.
Exactly what you see in the pictures
These chairs were very easy to put together. Solidly made for being somewhat lighter in weight than I expected. Comfortable for working from home. I spend maybe 60 minutes straight in the chair before getting up to move around, and never feel uncomfortable. I have found I need to tighten up the bolts every now and then.. but that's a very minor inconvenience. I like them, and don't regret paying the amount I did. Worth the purchase.