After spending a few days searching the greater Seattle area for chairs that matched our table, we went to . Yes, there are beautiful, sturdy and comfortable chairs out there but my wife and I just couldnt agree. Rather than resort to marriage counseling, we thought these were a middle of the road compromise. But wow! These are of fantastic quality compared to so many over priced chairs out there. Seriously, if I seem weirdly ecstatic about these chairs, you just dont understand the marital struggle that brought us to these chairs.
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After spending a few days searching the greater Seattle area for chairs that matched our table, we went to . Yes, there are beautiful, sturdy and comfortable chairs out there but my wife and I just couldnt agree. Rather than resort to marriage counseling, we thought these were a middle of the road compromise. But wow! These are of fantastic quality compared to so many over priced chairs out there. Seriously, if I seem weirdly ecstatic about these chairs, you just dont understand the marital struggle that brought us to these chairs.