Chairs were beautiful, seemed very sturdy. However, the seats were too small and the back did not come up high enough to give the support I was looking for. Also, the box was missing pieces of the hardware to assemble the chairs. It is only bolts, nuts and washers. Very easy to assemble, but not all was provided. If you are looking for a low/back, slimline stool, this one will work. If you need a bigger stool, you might need to look elsewhere.
Nice stool, may be a bit to slim.
Chairs were beautiful, seemed very sturdy. However, the seats were too small and the back did not come up high enough to give the support I was looking for. Also, the box was missing pieces of the hardware to assemble the chairs. It is only bolts, nuts and washers. Very easy to assemble, but not all was provided. If you are looking for a low/back, slimline stool, this one will work. If you need a bigger stool, you might need to look elsewhere.