We love our new bed! It arrived very quickly. It was missing a small (crucial) piece of wood, but my husband was able to fab something up easy enough (although the sellers would've sent us a whole new piece if we wanted). It's not so high up that you can't get into it, and I'm 5 feet tall. We have a Beautyrest mattress, which is 10 inches thick. I have in fact banged my shin off it only once. BUT, it could just be the way our mattress sits on it too. It is really a beautiful, solid bed. It's also noise free!
The seller is great too! They are willing to help with whatever you need. I am a real buyer too. I paid full price! Buy this bed if you are considering it. You'll love it!
We love this bed! You will too!
We love our new bed! It arrived very quickly. It was missing a small (crucial) piece of wood, but my husband was able to fab something up easy enough (although the sellers would've sent us a whole new piece if we wanted). It's not so high up that you can't get into it, and I'm 5 feet tall. We have a Beautyrest mattress, which is 10 inches thick. I have in fact banged my shin off it only once. BUT, it could just be the way our mattress sits on it too. It is really a beautiful, solid bed. It's also noise free! The seller is great too! They are willing to help with whatever you need. I am a real buyer too. I paid full price! Buy this bed if you are considering it. You'll love it!