The assembly of the loveseat was super easy, and the seat itself feels sturdy and looks good. We did notice a couple of snags in the fabric and some loose strings upon delivery and not sure if we can get that repaired or if the entire seat needs to be replaced.
The biggest disappointment was the way this box was delivered. It arrived on our porch with a lot of damage to the box and was covered in leaves, grass, mud, etc., as it appeared to have been dragged to our door, from the curb where many dogs pee and poop. Really disgusting to have it arrive like that. Probably a single delivery person that dragged this to our door, when it really is a 2/person job.
Loveseat is fine but delivery was disappointing
The assembly of the loveseat was super easy, and the seat itself feels sturdy and looks good. We did notice a couple of snags in the fabric and some loose strings upon delivery and not sure if we can get that repaired or if the entire seat needs to be replaced. The biggest disappointment was the way this box was delivered. It arrived on our porch with a lot of damage to the box and was covered in leaves, grass, mud, etc., as it appeared to have been dragged to our door, from the curb where many dogs pee and poop. Really disgusting to have it arrive like that. Probably a single delivery person that dragged this to our door, when it really is a 2/person job.