Easy to assemble, durable and sturdy! The complaints from others are mostly just due to the fact that this is real wood (which has knots) not cracking in the wood. This is a great quality bed and has worked great for the month or two weve had it now. Its perfect for my 7 year old!
The one thing I would change is that we had to reinforce the bottom of each mattress because the mattress we got (memory foam) goes through the slats if you put any pressure in one spot (learning on it to make the bed, stepping on the bottom bunk to make the top bunk, etc.)
Great bed!
Easy to assemble, durable and sturdy! The complaints from others are mostly just due to the fact that this is real wood (which has knots) not cracking in the wood. This is a great quality bed and has worked great for the month or two weve had it now. Its perfect for my 7 year old! The one thing I would change is that we had to reinforce the bottom of each mattress because the mattress we got (memory foam) goes through the slats if you put any pressure in one spot (learning on it to make the bed, stepping on the bottom bunk to make the top bunk, etc.)