I just got this table and have already groomed 4 of my dogs on it. It is very sturdy and was perfect for my 88 pound Goldendoodle. It is high quality and first class. The only minor issue I had was the top bar was not quite long enough to fit in the slots. I was able to make it fit with a slight bend. It seems the top bar needed to be another inch or so longer. Otherwise, it is perfect. A must have for an at home groomer.
I just got this table and have already groomed 4 of my dogs on it. It is very sturdy and was perfect for my 88 pound Goldendoodle. It is high quality and first class. The only minor issue I had was the top bar was not quite long enough to fit in the slots. I was able to make it fit with a slight bend. It seems the top bar needed to be another inch or so longer. Otherwise, it is perfect. A must have for an at home groomer.