The color is and the material is super soft, but that is about it. It does not accurately at all despite me measuring and purchasing according to the measurements. Its impossible to tuck/ stay tucked in without the two little styrofoam inserts they give to tuck in each arm rest side. With the styrofoam it looks great and like it actually. As soon as you sit down on either side, the styrofoam pops out and it just looks like you have a tent on your couch. Would not purchase again. Or maybe go a size up from your actual measurement results so that there is enough fabric to stay tucked without the styrofoam inserts.
Not accurate
The color is and the material is super soft, but that is about it. It does not accurately at all despite me measuring and purchasing according to the measurements. Its impossible to tuck/ stay tucked in without the two little styrofoam inserts they give to tuck in each arm rest side. With the styrofoam it looks great and like it actually. As soon as you sit down on either side, the styrofoam pops out and it just looks like you have a tent on your couch. Would not purchase again. Or maybe go a size up from your actual measurement results so that there is enough fabric to stay tucked without the styrofoam inserts.