We were looking for a full size frame that is not too pricey and found this. The frame is easy to assemble. My son help me and we did it in 30minutes. We still dont have mattress and will buy one but we triend using the twin mattress and lay on it. It looks sturdy and solid. does not shake but have a little bit of noise. I think this is a good value but could not really tell until we get the full size mattress for this. I will order one tonight. The manufacturer has incredible customer service. It's very comfy and I'm very happy!
Feels sturdy
We were looking for a full size frame that is not too pricey and found this. The frame is easy to assemble. My son help me and we did it in 30minutes. We still dont have mattress and will buy one but we triend using the twin mattress and lay on it. It looks sturdy and solid. does not shake but have a little bit of noise. I think this is a good value but could not really tell until we get the full size mattress for this. I will order one tonight. The manufacturer has incredible customer service. It's very comfy and I'm very happy!