Seems sturdy enough. Arrived with several pieces pretty banged up ...
Seems sturdy enough. Arrived with several pieces pretty banged up which is why I only gave 3 stars. I doubt they were shipping booboos because the boards were wrapped up very tight in the box, so I dont know what happened there. Aside from the dings, the bed is beautiful and strong, I took a nap on it after I put it together. I am considering purchasing another.
Seems sturdy enough. Arrived with several pieces pretty banged up ...
Seems sturdy enough. Arrived with several pieces pretty banged up which is why I only gave 3 stars. I doubt they were shipping booboos because the boards were wrapped up very tight in the box, so I dont know what happened there. Aside from the dings, the bed is beautiful and strong, I took a nap on it after I put it together. I am considering purchasing another.