Its very Really cute and easy to assemble. Took me three hours alone (and I messed up a couple times which took most of the time). Instructions are really clear but be careful to use the right screws and focus on where holes are facing. I got this because another option fell through and I needed it in a pinch, and it was very worth it.
One star taken off because one of the bottom slats, the hole is slightly off and no matter how I adjusted the assembly, or pushed it together, the screw couldnt go in. It doesnt seem like it will impact the overall stability, however.
Worth It
Its very Really cute and easy to assemble. Took me three hours alone (and I messed up a couple times which took most of the time). Instructions are really clear but be careful to use the right screws and focus on where holes are facing. I got this because another option fell through and I needed it in a pinch, and it was very worth it. One star taken off because one of the bottom slats, the hole is slightly off and no matter how I adjusted the assembly, or pushed it together, the screw couldnt go in. It doesnt seem like it will impact the overall stability, however.