I must admit, the directions for assembly were not good. I purchased this bed for my granddaughters who sleep three to a room. They needed the space. I am satisfied with the end results, it is sturdy, and is a space saver. It arrived on time just before Christmas. I am satisfied with my purchase and the price. The only thing is, I did purchase the warranty which never came. So, I would check out the return policy before spending the extra on the warranty.
I must admit, the directions for assembly were not good. I purchased this bed for my granddaughters who sleep three to a room. They needed the space. I am satisfied with the end results, it is sturdy, and is a space saver. It arrived on time just before Christmas. I am satisfied with my purchase and the price. The only thing is, I did purchase the warranty which never came. So, I would check out the return policy before spending the extra on the warranty.