4 yr old loves it but took 7 hrs to build. Sturdy solid wood!
Instructions are horribly confusing so take your time and go step by step. I organized all the small parts and acres and labeled them by their numbers. We started at 7pm and finished at 2am. My 14 year old daughter and I put it together but it’s super sturdy and made of solid wood. It’s a beautiful bed and the 4 yr old loves it so far!
4 yr old loves it but took 7 hrs to build. Sturdy solid wood!
Instructions are horribly confusing so take your time and go step by step. I organized all the small parts and acres and labeled them by their numbers. We started at 7pm and finished at 2am. My 14 year old daughter and I put it together but it’s super sturdy and made of solid wood. It’s a beautiful bed and the 4 yr old loves it so far!