I had my doubts about ordering bed online but this came as a surprise. It is a very sturdy bed for the price and with my 14 inch mattress it is holding up quite well. The headboard is thick enough to provide good cushion. It was a 30 min job to assemble the bed and looks pretty aesthetic too. I recommend this bed for anyone looking to up their room for a budget price, it wont disappoint. I am very happy with it
Sturdy and easy to assemble
I had my doubts about ordering bed online but this came as a surprise. It is a very sturdy bed for the price and with my 14 inch mattress it is holding up quite well. The headboard is thick enough to provide good cushion. It was a 30 min job to assemble the bed and looks pretty aesthetic too. I recommend this bed for anyone looking to up their room for a budget price, it wont disappoint. I am very happy with it